June Meeting
The Club Rooms were full of society members and Botanical Society guests to listen to our guest speaker Heidi Meudt from Te Papa. She was an engaging and enthusiastic speaker who shared her passion and commitment to the Genus Myositis in New Zealand. Her work is fascinating and so important to the conservation of these plants. Ranging from a plant that would fit entirely on your index fingernail, to gorgeous floriferous cushions and larger willowy plants with solitary or cyme inflorescences. Heidi encouraged members to share photographs of unusual Foreget-me-not plants in the wild. One way to share these is using inaturalist.org Simply load a photo of your plant and an expert voyeur somewhere will pounce so to speak and share their thoughts on identification of the image. Otherwise email her directly through Te Papa.
As a side note, this was how Hamish, our President, and Heidi began communicating and networking to share their knowledge.
The Show Table looked very good despite it being a difficult time of the year. Ann and Jo Cartman bought many beautiful and scented cut treasures from their frost free Peninsular garden.